Monday, December 3, 2012

Rise & Hang Travel Gear Luggage Insert Review

I love Canadian innovation so when I came across what Lee and Sean Renshaw created in a luggage system, I was excited. Also, this is a product being made in Canada and its providing local jobs. Now that is the definition of innovation at its best:  A quality product, at a fair price, made locally.

Being a busy Road Warrior, I am always on the lookout for items that can simplify my life when travelling. I have found a perfect product for me and it is the Rise & Hang Luggage Insert and Carry On bag.
This luggage insert can be used with any of your existing luggage or duffel bags. This fits inside any one of my roller bags, my North Face duffel bag, or you can use it as a stand-alone bag  (using its built in shoulder strap). It is extremely versatile for the way I travel.

The way it works is that it has two hanger hooks that allow you to quickly hang this up in a closet allowing you to unpack in less than 60 seconds. The insert has 3 shelves and a bottom compartment. This allows you to also pack quickly. Top shelf for socks and underwear, middle shelf for shirts and lower shelf for pants or sweaters and put your dirty clothes in a large zip lock bag in the bottom.

When you arrive at your hotel room, you pull the insert out, unzip it and hang it up in the closet and you’re done. No time wasted taking clothes out and putting them in dirty hotel drawers. If you keep everything organized in the shelves, when it’s time to pack it is a simple matter of zipping it shut and placing it in your carry-on bag and out the door your go.

It is fast and easy, clean and simple. This is a wonderful product and the brothers also have a duffel bag system with a built in shelving system and other innovative products on the way.
The Rise & Hang system is a high quality product, at a fair price that’s made in Canada that can simplify your busy travelling life.

Check out the YouTube video at

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