Monday, December 10, 2012

Unified Messaging – A Strategic Approach to Messaging that can Improve Business Process, Reduce Costs and Improve Customer Satisfaction

Unified Messaging – A Strategic Approach to Messaging that can Improve Business Process, Reduce Costs and Improve Customer Satisfaction

Today’s workers are becoming more mobile and more collaborative in their communication approach. They are also demanding to have access to their communication tools on their mobile or smartphone device.

IT departments need to provide their mobile workers  tools and infrastructure that will support email, instant messaging, video conferencing , voice and presence. The Unified messaging tool needs to combine these multi-model communication methods into a single application. Having multiple applications makes it difficult for the employee to manage their communications effectively, and drives the IT costs to manage many platforms upwards. The need to integrate business process applications like CRM into the UC tool is also of interest.

In 1996, the promise of Unified Communications was made in leveraging and combing the desktop with the telephone. The traditional TDM suppliers like Nortel, Avaya and Mitel have always tried to overlay complexity in order to try to offer a UC solution whereas the new IP based suppliers like NBX and ShoreTel offered a more simplistic approach.

How many business users have a UC tool on their PC, Tablet or Smartphone today?

Has your IT department kept the promise to offer a UC tool to you?

The ideal IP based telephony platform must be easy to manage, support multiple  PC operating systems, support multiple smartphone devices, easy to deploy and must be easy to use. The UC core voice appliance will provide call control and messaging applications and integrate with a Mobility platform while offering a brilliantly simple UC communication tool to manage all communications in one single application. The mobile worker now has the ability to effectively manage their communications, collaborate with their customers and have a strategic competitive advantage while dramatically lowering their cellular costs.

The cubicle worker also has the advantage of using the simple communicator desktop tool to manage their communications in the same effective manner as the mobile employee.

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