Tuesday, January 15, 2013

CIBC Bank offers Wi-Fi to clients

I rant about how offering free Wi-Fi is good for business, good for customer loyalty and good for our personal productivity

CIBC or Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is on a mission to increase their customer satisfaction. They are ranking below the other Canadian banks.

One way to improve their service is to thank you for your patience while in a long line up for a teller. Sorry, that's nice but if you have the time to notice that the line is long with disgruntled faces then you have the time to open up another teller position. Sorry but based on the quick feedback yesterday that approach doesn't work.

What works is that I can use my tablet or smartphone to access the internet while in queue. Now I can be productive and the time goes by faster. Some visionary at CIBC HQ must be reading my blog.

Also if I need to do something on my work laptop in between meetings while out of the office,  I can now go to my local CIBC branch and grab a comfy chair in their newly refurbished lobby, get some cash from the ATM and get some files sent to a customer.

Thank You CIBC and Thank You Bell Canada for rising to the challenge to offer this service

I now challenge Loblaws to do the same so I can have access to the internet while grocery shopping.

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