Friday, April 26, 2013

Smart Flying Tips for the Road Warrior (Up in the Air - Clooney Style)

Smart Flying Tips for the Road Warrior (Up in the Air - Clooney Style)

  1. Be nice to the workers along your way. Say hello to the flight attendants at the boarding door. Say hello to the gate check in staff and the lounge staff. This goes a long way and earns you extra pretzels.
  1. Always pack a sweater or sweatshirt style jacket. Airplanes, like grocery stores, are always freezing cold. It’s worse if you are beside an exit door. Scarfs are handy as well.
  2. Pack all valuables or jewelry in your carry-on so they won’t get lost or stolen.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes and slip on driving style shoes are a great choice. Loafers for woman are better than stilettos. Avoiding metal in your shoes prevents pat down checks at security.
  4. Avoid lines with families, old people, or confused travelers as the lines will be slow. Look for smart travelers that have taken their belts off, laptops are out and they look like they know the security drill.
  5. Bring a water bottle and fill it up after security and save $4 every time. Staying hydrated is important.
  6. Pack healthy small portion snacks with you. Protein bars, nuts and veggies taste better than airline food.
  7. Don’t stress delays as it can happen and you have no control over it
  8. Tablets make the trip more comfortable. Rent a movie on iTunes or download an eBook for your journey.
  9. Pack a small face cloth so you can refresh yourself upon landing. Anti-bacteria gels are mandatory.
  10. Carry-on bags prevents lost luggage and speeds up your journey. Check out the airplane version so you know in advance that your bag can be checked at the sky bridge. It’s still a carry-on bag but because the typical regional CRA jet has little overhead space then it gets tagged at check in.
  11. Pack Smart and organized. I use the Think Tank Airport Acceleration or Urban Disguise 60 as my personal carry-on bag in addition to my roller suitcase. It has room for all my stuff and keeps things from getting lost.
  12. Pack a small bag to tuck your coat in for the overhead bin. It keeps it clean and prevents it from getting jammed in the latch when they shut the door or other travelers crushing it when they cram their bag in.
  13. Before you drop your recliner seat back (usually slammed backwards), be courteous and let the passenger behind you know that is the case so you don't destroy a laptop in the process. Trust me i have seen it done several times. Also make sure your laptop or tablet is not positioned in a way if the passenger ahead of you slams their seat back during the flight. I saved my iPad from damage many times because of this foresight. I am nice - I don't recline my seat.

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