Monday, September 16, 2013

Reaping the Benefits of Unified Communications

The complexity of today's business environment is nothing short of remarkable. Global workforces, deeply intertwined supply chains, e-commerce, pervasive mobility and social media have radically transformed the workplace and served up enormous and growing communication challenges.

Today, many organizations—and their CIOs—are struggling to enable comprehensive and seamless collaboration across platforms, systems and devices. Although voice communication isn't going away, it's increasingly critical to build networks that also accommodate data and merge the two worlds in a transparent way.

Enter unified communications (UC). Although the technology has existed for years and a large number of enterprises have already put it into play, many CIOs are now exploring ways to ratchet up the capabilities to match today's digital workplace. Among other things, they're hoping to enhance collaboration tools, social media, messaging capabilities and mobile interaction across a wide range of applications and situations.

Unified Communications (UC) can help businesses succeed in many ways. It provides a technology platform to integrate, track, and manage phone, email, instant messaging, and more within a single, cohesive and user-friendly technology framework. 

Organizations can use UC to improve their customer service and outreach, track and route ongoing interactions, and make communications brilliantly simple no matter the device or location.

UC becomes a triple WIN for the employees that are reaping the benefits of this technology.

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