Monday, February 10, 2014

The New Social Media Elevator Pitch

The New Social Media Elevator Pitch

The standard elevator pitch is under going a face lift with the new Social Media platforms. Getting your customer attention may never be the same again with reality pitches and Twiter pitches and the such.
The elevator pitch is a means of convincing prospects of your business potential in 30 seconds or less.
As the new social media has exploded in recent years, the number of channels and methods to pitch has increased. The new elevator pitch allows you to reach a broader audience and receive critical feedback and comments to improve your pitch and business. If you are having trouble reaching your clients then you need to try a new way:
Reality Pitch: As reality TV has taken the living room by storm, it has also opened up a new channel for pitching business ideas. In Canada, , entrepreneurs only have a few minutes to use their elevator pitch on investors in the successful reality show Dragon’s Den. In the USA they pitch it to Shark tank.
Tube Pitch: YouTube, the online video sharing service has over 100 million viewers. This is a large market for any new upstart company. Forget the 120-page power point business plan; the new pitch allows you to evoke the passion behind your idea or business. It is all about the STORY
Twitter Pitch: Twitter is micro-blogging or cb radio style broadcast allowing text messages of 140 characters or less. Twitter has taken the 30-second elevator pitch and turned into a 140 character pitch.
Blog Pitch:  TechCrunch has defined  Elevator Pitches as “One Startup. 30 seconds. Go.” The blog describes its service as “where founders and CEOs get a chance to pitch their startups directly to you, the TechCrunch audience. It uses crowd soureicng to figure out what is good and what is bad.
Slide Pitch: SlideShare is an online slide presentation community. Creating your elevator pitch in a brief slide presentation can reach your audience or allow you to send them to a website for more details. Another, social media channel to exploit your story. Rememebr, use no more thaqn 10 slides or assume Power Point Death.
Elevator Pitch Falls into the Cracks
Does using the new media make your business idea more susceptible to competitors? Who cares?
A business idea that can be easily copied by your competitors has no barriers to entry and will more likely fail and be deemed by the wayside. If you have a great idea, with proprietary technology or patents, you can be at less risk than pitching a less protected idea in the new media.

The new Social Media platforms offers new opportunities for the average person or business AND can help expand your business globally. Just Ask Matt Granger

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