Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tips on Using Social Media to Market your Business

1. Have a Clear Game Plan

Identify your business goals  and target audience before you venture into Social Media networks. What do you want to achieve, what message do you wish to convey and what is the type of social media channels used by your customers.

2. Decide on your Content

Research who you customers are and their behaviour and select the content that will capture interest of your key audience. Ude a variety of fresh, relevant and value-added items that project your brand image across different social media platforms. Be consistent.

3. Measure your Success

Monitoring is important to determine which methods are providing you with the best results. Make changes as some content is more effective than others. This will allow you to better understand the timning and trelevancy of your activies across the differnt netwoprks.

Tip #1 Tell a story
Tip #2 Customer Testimonials are important
Tip #3 Be honest and authentic in your approach

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