Friday, December 21, 2012

Take Control of The Light Workshop - The Nikon Guy - Toronto

Matt Granger The Nikon Guy  is leaving the kangaroo world of Australia and taking his lighting workshop tour worldwide.

He has included a Toronto date and is also welcoming non-Nikon shooters. Matt is lovingly followed by shockjock Howard Stern. I personally find Matt one of the friendliest, funny, and engaging teachers of photography out there!

You can always learn a thing or two from him to help improve your work but more importantly, I love how Matt professes the Get Your Gear Out and shoot photos. Its not about the gear its about shooting pictures and having fun!

Take control of the light (Full weekend)

 Please note - the course is NON BRAND SPECIFIC - all users welcome and supported in learning.

Toronto, 5 to 7 April 2013. Exact location sent to confirmed students.

Once you learn lighting from the ground up - your photography will change forever. The way you see everyday scenes will be transformed, and you will be equipped to make calculated choices to create the images you want.

Over two full days and a Friday evening, you will learn all the fundamentals needed to redefine your photography. How to read the light. How to work with available light, mix with your own light, or completely overhaul a shot and create amazing lighting results with simple equipment. This program focusses on portraiture and using portable strobe flashes, however the lessons on light apply to all photography and all forms of light - both artificial and natural.

The program is a mix of theory, demonstration and hands on play, feedback and encouragement. A model and assistant will be on hand throughout, and you will leave the weekend with a collection of amazing images, as well as a head full of knowledge.

YES - you will leave with a set of new tricks and techniques that you can pull out as needed. More importantly, you will understand the fundamentals and concepts which underpin them, so when you hit a new and challenging situation, you can find a solution that works.

- All the variables and dimensions of lighting - this applies to strobes, studio light, available light - all forms of light.
- How to balance daylight and artificial light - in terms of intensity and colour.
- The ins & outs of the equipment involved - cost effective & even home made alternatives.
- How to craft dramatic portraits using simple and inexpensive equipment.
- How to create beautiful and flattering light in ANY situation.
- How to troubleshoot and overcome difficult situations to get the image and save the day.
- & without even trying - you will walk away confident and sure in all the manual settings of your camera - ready to go off the auto modes when the situation demands it.
100% money back gaurantee - you will love this course.

FAQs - See here.

The program runs from 6-9pm Friday and 9am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday, includes refreshments. All you need to bring is your camera and an open mind.
Price $795pp.   A 10% early booking discount available. (Early bird closes 6 weeks prior). Student discount available - email for info.

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