Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Farm to Fork with L-Eat (Paese Restaurant)

Tony Loschiavo owner of L-Eat Group and two Paese restaurants came across a unique opportunity 4 years ago. He bought a house around the corner from his Bathurst street restaurant. Through hard work he was able to create a 2500 square foot garden that brings the fresh goodness of herbs and vegetables to the customers plate. This enhances Tony's philosophy of making hand crafted, home made food in house and now with a fresh organic garden just a few steps away is able to enhance the dining experience just a bit more.

I take my chefs hat off and salute Tony and Executive Chef Christopher Palik.

Toronto foodies are lucky as there are bee hives on top of hotels, organic gardens on rooftops, organic farms within a 100 mile radius and a strong farm to fork movement.

Support your local farmers market and take the time to create your own little farm on your balcony or garden.

It is always amazing how a warm tomato from your sunny garden splashed with a bit of olive oil on a warm crusty bread tastes so much better than the freezer grown tomato's we import from afar.

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